Saturday, October 8, 2016

17 Best Flowering Houseplants

17 Best Flowering Houseplants

Check out this list of best flowering houseplants! They can add a bright touch to your home, growing them is similar to other indoor plants.

1. Begonia

Although begonias are considered as outdoor plants, there are many plants from begonia genus that makes great flowering houseplants. Most of them are easy to grow and good for beginners. Wax Begonia, Rieger Begonia, and Angel-Wing Begonia are among the best and most popular houseplants.

2. Bromeliads

Its colorful foliage and long lasting flowers can beautify any interior. It thrives easily without much care and the best thing is that you can grow this houseplant in low light conditions too.

3. African violet

African violets are easy to grow flowering plants that can be grown indoors for their beautiful flowers and foliage, they prefer warm climate rather than cold. Keep these plant in a spot where they receive filtered sun.

4. Scented Geranium

Scented geraniums with fragrant leaves and bright colorful flowers become incredible houseplants. However, growing geranium indoors is not as easy as other flowering houseplants we have here in this list. It requires a south or west facing window that receives ample sun and moderate watering.

5. Poinsettia

Growing poinsettias in your home can add a bright touch to your interior. Its multi colored bracts look more colorful than its flowers. This tropical plant requires, light, warmth and protection from drafts to thrive indoors.

6. Peace Lily

If you want to grow a low-care plant, grow peace lily. Inside your home, it can live without water for days. Peace lily’s beautiful white flowers flourish in low lighting conditions. It also removes the toxins from the air.

7. Lipstick Plant

Although not commonly grown as a houseplant, lipstick plant can be grown indoors. It requires constantly warm temperature and humid surrounding to grow and thrive. 

8. Jasmine

Many jasmine varieties can be grown indoors. If you keep this most fragrant vine in a bright spot where it receives some hours of direct sunlight daily, it’ll grow. The selection of jasmine varieties you want to plant indoors depends on the climate you live in. For colder regions, Jasminum polyanthum is the one you can try, whereas in tropics most of the plants from this species will grow.

9. Impatiens

Impatiens are beautiful shade loving annuals but in optimum conditions, you can grow them year-round as a houseplant. Maintain room temperature above 50-55 F and place the pot in a spot that receives bright indirect sun all day long, it would be better if you can provide 1-2 hours of direct sunlight too.

10. Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is a tropical succulent, plants of this genus grows best outdoors in warm climates. However, it can be grown indoors. This flowering succulent comes in a variety of colors and has low watering needs. You can keep it near a window where it can receive a few hours of sun in order to bloom.

11. Oxalis or Purple Leaf Shamrock

This beautiful flowering houseplant can adorn your house with showy purple foliage and white or pink flowers. Place it at a bright spot for abundant blooms and allow the soil to dry out between watering spells.

12. Cape Primrose

Cape Primrose or “Streptocarpus x hybridus” is a relative of the African violet. If you keep the soil lightly moist and give it bright, indirect sun year-round, it will bloom continuously. Also, there are many new hybrid varieties available with bigger flowers, longer blooming time, and more compact foliage.

13. Christmas Cactus

Christmas cactus is an old-fashioned favorite houseplant of many. When it blooms it creates a warm atmosphere. Red, pink, white or orange: The lovely flowers can quickly brighten up any interior. If maintained well, it can even bloom again from one year to another for years.

14. Crown of Thorns

The Crown of Thorns becomes an exceptional houseplant due to its continuous blooms and low watering needs. If you can provide a sunny window where the plant can be placed, it will grow happily. Available in so many colors, the plant prefers loamy succulent soil and warm temperature.

15. Black Eyed Susan Vine

Black-eyed Susan vine can be grown indoors. Depending on your climate, this annual or perennial flowering plant can add a dramatic appeal to your rooms. Keep it near a window, where it receives a lot of sun.

16. Purple Heart or Inch Plant (Wandering Jew)

A cluster of purple, lance-shaped leaves makes purple heart an impressive houseplant with or without its pink flowers. This beautiful trailing indoor plant can be grown in small colorful pots or hanging baskets and can be used as a table accent. Keep your purple heart (Tradescantia pallida) plant in a spot where it will receive 2-3 hours of sun for a healthy plant.

17. Orchids

Orchids are different from other houseplants. Unlike ferns, philodendrons, palms and Swedish ivy, orchids do not grow in soil. Putting an orchid in soil is actually one of the best ways to kill it.

11 - How To Grow Gladiolus Flower From Bulb October 2016 (URDU/HINDI)