Friday, May 20, 2016

Hello New Comers!

Assalamoalikum Warahmatul Lahi Wa Barakata Hu

Hello New Comers!

We welcome you to our little community of Nature lovers. Your very own online community of Gardeners.

Member's privacy is of utmost importance to Us. However, if you willingly decide to introduce yourself from the onset of this online gardening journey, it would help us to know you better, understand your interest and growing conditions. Thereby more fulfilling journey in terms of what we can learn from you and how we can be more helpful to you.

How you decide to introduce yourself is how you like it to be....However few suggestions( Everything is optional, except that you must make your own post)
Start your own new post for introduction.
Your Good Name and anything that you would like to share.
Your Interests in Gardening( Plant types like bulbs, Roses, climbers or fragrant plants)
Your location ( it Could be city, hardiness zone or anything that can explain your growing conditions)
If you Like briefly describe your garden or growing area( May include area/exposure etc)
Some pictures of your garden and your gardening area.
What is blooming in your Garden?

Or Any Other Interests.

Thanking You,
Bilal Mirza

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