Friday, May 20, 2016

Dear All

Assalamoalikum Warahmatul Lahi Wa Barakata Hu

Dear all,

It is great to see the growth of our little gardening community and there are few important things i would like to discuss.
First, we need to propagate our page to as many gardeners as we can. And believe me not even 5% of gardeners know about this page. Our goal is that every gardener of pakistan who grows even just motia at home knows about our page. The more the people will know about this page, more chances of new things and more experiences.

We intend to take this page to greater heights not keep it just a discussion page. Insha Allah there would be many events in which page members/management will participate representing the page but in future there will be events held by page itself. It is you guys who make this page a great gardening community.

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