Saturday, May 28, 2016

5 Secrets of a High Yield Gardening

5 Secrets of a High Yield Gardening | Vegetable Gardening Tips

Love growing your own vegetables? These 5 high yield gardening secrets will help you to increase the productivity of your garden.

1. Enough Sun

Vegetables grow best in full sun. Provide at least 6 hours of sunlight daily to your plants. Exposure to the sun makes the plant healthy and improve their resistance to pests and diseases.

2. Right Soil pH

Check out what is the right soil pH range for the plants you are growing. Most vegetables grow in soil with a pH close to neutral which is within the range of 6 – 7.4, if your soil is too acidic or too alkaline – adjust the pH level. 

3. Well-drained and Fertile Soil

Plants that are grown in well-drained soil tolerates overwatering and underwatering both. Such type of soil is permeable and airy, which leads to healthy roots.

Similarly, a fertile soil is essential for the growth of plants because a lot of vegetables are very voracious. Scheduled application of organic fertilizers such as well-rotted manure, compost, and mineral fertilizers is helpful.

4. Weed Free Ground

Anyone who has ever grown vegetables knows how constantly emerging weeds impede the growth of the plants. To reduce this, you’ll need to weed regularly, also before planting the vegetables, clean the site well to prevent weeds from growing. Read our weeding tips for help.

5. Correct Spacing

Proper plant spacing is essential for high yield gardening. Never space the plants tightly or in a corner which may thwart the air circulation. Plants grown without proper air flow are susceptible to diseases. Similarly, if you left out too much space between them this will encourage the weeds to grow.

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