Sunday, May 22, 2016

How to check your soil pH at home

How to check your soil pH at home

Learn how to check soil pH at home to grow the plants according to it.

As you know there are three soil pH types: Acidic, Neutral or Alkaline. Soil pH type is measured by its ‘pH’ level, below pH value 7 it is Acidic, above pH value 7 it is Alkaline and if the pH value of your soil stick to 7 or around it (6 – 7.5) your soil is Neutral.

What is your soil type, you want to know and that’s important because knowing soil type will give you better results when growing plants. It’s just that simple: find out your soil type, and grow right plants according to it. Doing this will define your options, for an example— you can’t plant Gardenia in an alkaline soil as this plant loves acidic soil.

Simply follow these simple steps written below to learn how to check your soil pH at home.

Checking Alkaline Soil

1.soil ph test by vinagerTake a meager amount of soil in a mug and then take two spoonfuls of ‘vinegar’ and mix in it. Now take a look at it, if you hear a bubbling noise and the mix stirs up, this means your soil is Alkaline.

Reason: Because vinegar is acidic and if your soil is alkaline that stirs up the mix and bubbling noise will come.

Checking Acidic Soil

2.soil ph test by baking sodaIf your soil type is not Alkaline, then do this again take some soil in a mug and add two spoonfuls of ‘baking soda’ in it. Mixed water in it to make it muddy. Now see, if you hear a bubbling noise and the mix stirs up then your soil is Acidic.

Reason: Baking soda is alkaline and if your soil is acidic this combination will stir up the mix and bubbling noise will come.


If you haven’t observed any bubbling noise and mix doesn’t fizz in both of the tests that mean your soil is Neutral, which is a good news.

Tips and Warnings

Remember by this test you can’t find out the exact pH value of your soil but you’ll get an idea whether your soil is acidic, neutral or alkaline. If you want to know the exact pH value go to a Soil Research Center, a nearby garden center or buy a home testing kit that will test soil type for you.

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