Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Natural Pesticides for Garden

Natural Pesticides for Garden

Find out 8 natural pesticides for garden and their recipes. They are safe, effective and inexpensive.

There’s nothing more annoying for a gardener than seeing pests sucking their plants. Chemical pesticides are the best way to get rid of them but they back up cancerous activity and are detrimental to the environment, that is why using natural pesticides for the garden are the safest and best option as they are inexpensive and Eco-friendly.

1. Neem Oil

Neem Oil is among the most powerful natural pesticides and insecticides; it covers more than 200 species of chewing and sucking insects. It’s completely nontoxic and does not have any adverse effect on plants if used accordingly.

Take one-liter warm water and mix a half teaspoon of insecticidal soap. Stirring vigorously mix one teaspoon of neem oil in it. Fill it in a sprayer. Keep shaking the sprayer otherwise neem oil will start float on the surface. You can use the spray within eight hour but the fresh spray is recommended.

2. Tobacco

Natural insecticide made of tobacco is a great way for combating worms, aphids, and caterpillars. *It must not be used on plants of family Solanaceae which include popular plants like eggplant, tomato, potato or peppers.

Put 2 tablespoons of tobacco leaves in one gallon of water, stir and let it steep for an hour or two (the more time the stronger). Add one teaspoon of dishwashing soap and a pinch of hot pepper powder and stir it again. Strain and fill in the sprayer.

3. Tomato Leaves

If you are growing tomato in your garden then why not make full use of it. Tomato leaves contain compounds called alkaloids which are toxic to insects and works as a poison for some tender pests.

Chop about two cups of tomato leaves and put them in four cups of water. Steep it overnight and spray on the infected plant.

4. Chrysanthemumchrysenthemum

Chrysanthemum flowers contain a chemical named pyrethrum which affects pest’s nervous system.

Take 100 grams of dried chrysanthemum flowers and boil it in 1 liter water for 30 minutes on low flame. It can easily kill many flying and crawling insect.

5. Orange Peels

Orange peel contains d-limonene, which is an oil nutrition rated as an insecticide. If you don’t have orange peel you can use orange oil. Besides this, most of the animals like dog and cat don’t like its smell.

To make it, boil one liter of water, put two cups of orange peels in it. Strain and add few drops of neem oil and insecticidal soap. Your orange peel spray is ready.

6. Garlic/Onion spray

Garlic/onion works as natural repellent for garden, its spray cause detrimental burning sensation to pest and insects.

To prepare this, take a bulb of garlic and an onion and grind it. Mix a tablespoon of pepper and insecticidal soap in 1 liter of water. Leave this for an hour and spray it on the plants.

7. Pepper

Pepper is not only a popular spice; you can use it in gardening, too. When added with vegetable oil and soap it becomes one of the best homemade pesticides.

Boil one cup of water, mix 3 tablespoon of hot pepper powder in it and let it steep for an hour. Strain it with strainer or cotton cloth and mix 1 tablespoon dish soap and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Dilute it in one liter of water and spray.

8. Salt

Salt spray can be used to control spider mites, caterpillar, and other chewing insects. It increases sodium level that controls the pests.

Making this is super easy, just mix 2 tablespoons of salt to a gallon of water and spray thoroughly on the leaves of your plant.


* Test pesticide you’re using on a small portion of the plant before spraying it all over because some plants are sensitive to used ingredients.

* Always wear gloves and eyeglass, when dealing with pepper and Neem.

* Avoid spraying plants on windy days, spray in late afternoon or evening for better results.

* Don’t use a dish soap that contains bleach.

* Make sure to spray the underside of leaves because it is pest favorite place to hide.

* Natural pesticides work slowly, be patient and use them persistently for better results.

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